Using eCPD to help with your Personal Development Plan
In your appraisal, you will have a discussion about your current role, and what development you will need to help keep you up to date with your area of practice. You will also think about the current roles that you have in leading a team or managing staff, and what might be helpful in understanding how to do this better, to be more resilient when things are difficult, and what you will need for future roles. As for everyone involved in patient care you are part of making things better, so there are improvement and safety modules addressing learning around how to make changes for better patient care, and what is best practice in improvement and safety. It is also important to understand the strategic context of the health services that we work in.
We suggest that you might think about a starter programme that includes:
Technical Learning
For example Merkel cell carcinoma modules for biomedical scientists, pathologists, and dermatology nurse practitioners, or the Code of Conduct for nursing
Strategic learning
The NHS Constitution, the Five Year Forward View
Improvement and patient safety learning
The Health Foundation modules are really good for this domain, and try the A3 quality improvement module
Management and leadership
From the simple insight of the Asch experiment into group dynamics, to managing disciplinary processes, these modules can help you hone your skills.
Discuss the options with your appraiser, and if you are a student, or want someone else to know that you have completed learning, you may wish to copy your mentor in to your confirmation of completion module emails, using the mentor option in the profile.